Affiliated By

WSKF INDIA is one of India’s best, reputed karate federation aim to train a new edition of karate by world class trainers.
WSKF INDIA is affiliated by
• The world shotokan karate do fedration (WSKF Japan)
• Asia karatedo federation (AKF)
• World karate federation (WKF)
• Karate association of India (KAI)
WSKF INDIA main objective is to provide world class training under the guidance of world karate chiefs. WSKF INDIA has India wide training centres with best in class trainers. WSKF INDIA regularly organise the training camps and seminars through out India for the students to update their skills and useful abilities.
The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants – Funakoshi
When you look at life think in terms of karate. But remember that karate is not only karate — it is life. Gichi
A student well versed in even one technique will naturally see corresponding points in other techniques. – Gichin Funakoshi